Sunday 17 February 2008


What is facebook?

Facebook is the social networking site. It is very fast developing. At the moment it is the first site in uploading photos (14 million of photos are updated daily) and it is the 7th in traffic ranking (according to
First of all, the site is created to help people to communicate in absolutely different ways. Apart from that the facebook can be used as traditional inbox, it also contains many different features which help to make communication more untraditional and interesting.

To my mind, applications are the thing that makes communication more interesting. There is a huge variety of different applications. My own research gave more the number that shows that there more than 16000 of different applications.

So what are applications?

Application is a tool that allows you interact with your friends and networks. Examples of applications that Facebook has built are photos, the news feeds, the wall, gifts, market places, pokes, status, events, applications and video.

Information can be exchanged in many and many different ways. It can be published news what other people are doing and what events are upcoming. The next way of sending information is the wall what means that the information is published that everyone can see that. Sometimes it is very suitable the post in the wall in a group where everyone can read it or the wall gives a description of a person whish the wall is it. Visual information can say sometimes more than 100 words. These can be photos with tagging the friends or with exciting comments, but also it cam be gifts which can symbolize something special or videos giving us information. Market places, events and status gives different information too.

These are basic applications which are already added for new users. However, the user can add many and many other different applications.

My favorite applications.

I would like to list 10 applications which I like the most and to give short description about each.

Books iRead- shows you what you have read or what you would like to read or not. Its my favorite, because I like to read reviews and compare ideas.

My Personality - I like psychology and I like questionnaires. So this is the reason I took this quiz which gave information about what personality I am.

iLike – this applications gives a chance to became a fan of your favorite band and to listen their songs or to watch their videos. It is a nice interaction with

Wrestler – sport game. You challenge your friends for the matches and the win gives an opportunity to get a new moves and forms. I always found a good fun to play a game.

Flog Blog – it helps me to integrate my existing blog to facebook quickly.

How British are you? – I found fun to do this quiz, because I am not British. However, the result shows that I am the loveable Brit.

Horoscopes – I believe in Horoscopes that why it is interesting for me to read them.

Friend Quiz – How well do you know your friends? I was interested to check it.

Top Friends – this application helps to show how really you love your friends and who the best one is and who is the worst one.

Emote - if you want to show your mode to everyone than to use this application is a good idea.

I would like to write about the first two in more detail. Why they are my favorite?

The first one is books iRead application my favorite for several reasons. The main one is that I like reading and this application gives me to make list, write reviews or just rate the books what I have already read. I can also read others reviews and compare opinions. I can find people with the same interests and taste. There are so many books added to this application that I can do browsing different books with different genres. I have just started doing searches about books what I am interested about. Besides this, I started reading reviews and I found a lot interesting information.

The second one is My Personality application. I like psychology very much and this test is based on a real psychology questions what makes it more realistic. The result is shown in a diagram way with 5 lines showing different percentage of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. Above the diagram is an explanation about what it is and how much of this have you got. All this items are taken from the international personality item pool using 100 questions (according to
What makes a good application?

I have described my favorite applications and why they are the best ones for me. Now I would like to analyze what makes applications good. There are 10 components what describes facebook application anatomy. These are Product directory, About, Left navigation, Facebook Canvas Pages, Profile, Privacy settings, News feed, Alerts, Message attachments and Requests.
Now I am going to describe what they mean. An application should be added to Product directory where all applications take place. The next component is about what gives a short descriptions about an application and ask the user to install it. Component Left Nav requires adding application with it name and symbol on the left side of facebook. Facebook Canvas pages are Home page and dashboard pages. These are the main page of the application and the page what gives the user to manage the application. Profile has two pages what are profile box showing recent update about the application and profile action links which can quick links to the main page of the application. The page Privacy settings gives a variety of different settings to help to the user with the privacy, for example not every one can see your applications. News feeds shows information about your application manipulation to everyone when they login in the facebook site. Application can send notifications that why Alerts are required. An application can also contain massage attachments. Finally request means that the users friends can conform or ignore application send by you. These 10 components are making application good and if some of them are missing or they are not good enough, the whole application is not good (According to
These were my ideas about facebook, about its applications and about what makes them good.

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